Sunday, April 10, 2005

So my main reason for having this thing is so im able to just jot down some thoughts I have. I guess more than anything it’s an avenue for me to express my feelings and thoughts. I think it’ll be neat for me to look back on something like this and realize all the things that ive reflected on and learned about over time. I find it easier for me to work my thoughts and ideas out in writing. This fact being ironic since ive never been a good writer, it really never came easy to me. But as im getting older it’s been something ive been more inclined to do. So my hope that in reading this, what you might call an "open ended journal," you can get a glimpse into some of the madness behind my thought. =0) well with that, I hope you enjoy reading whatever I might write in the future. And I would love to hear from ya and hear what you think on which ever subject I talked about. chat with you soon, ciao.

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