Really, where did May go… on that note where did this whole year go? It’s crazy to me that I’m only a couple weeks off from the end of my spring quarter. On one hand I could say that I’ve been way too busy and pre-occupied to notice this year go by. But personally, I’d like to think that I was having too much fun and enjoying life too much to really notice. Maybe that’s just my optimistic side coming out. Is the glass half empty or half full type of thing (most definitely half full).
So as I was driving home last night and I got to thinking of how easy it is for me to think that there will always be a tomorrow. It amazes me how effortless it is for me to fall into this mindset. How often times I go through my day, ending up not doing things or saying things because I just assume that there will be a next time. But in all reality thats not true at all. I’ve been buying into this lie because truthfully I don’t know what tomorrow might bring. I’m only assured of right now, today, this very minute. I’m not talking about tedious tasks that we have throughout our day - like cleaning your room or getting the oil changed- those are just tasks that come with the job description called life. I’m talking about those moments, those conversations, and those dreams that you’ve always thought of having but have always left for another day. How many chances and how many opportunities have I missed because I’ve been too afraid to risk, too preoccupied, not thinking or believing that today might be the day to act. But you know what I've decided, that today just might have to be that day for me. I want to risk more, laugh more, hope more, dream more, live more, and most important... LOVE more. I might not know what the future has in store for me, but what i do know is what God has in trusted to me right now. He is my strength, what have i to fear?
So I leave you with those thoughts. Maybe today is your day too…
Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. ~ Phill. 4:13 The Message
In the end, it doesn't matter how well we have performed or what we have accomplished - a life without heart is not worth living. For out of this wellspring of our soul flow all true caring and all meaningful work, all real worship and all sacrifice.
~ Brent Curtis and John Eldredge
whos hand is that
that's exactly what I was going to say =P by far the most pressing question raised by this post is, whose hand is that??
no idea, some random person
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